4 research outputs found

    An Overview of Teaching Listening in Islamic Tertiary Level of Education

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    The ultimate aim of this paper is to depict listening activities in teaching Basic Listening designed by lecturers in an EFL classroom observation of Islamic tertiary level of education in Indonesia. Qualitative methods, used to collect and analyze data gained from observation and interview. The result showed that the lecturer designed various activities in teaching Basic Listening in the EFL class, which they were set up in three stages: pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening. The activities in the pre-listening were aimed at generating students\u27 interest, activating student\u27s prior knowledge, and trying to anticipate any difficult vocabularies. The while-listening stage is to invite students to be involved at listening through various physical movements, such as story telling, dialogue, listening to songs, and drama. The post-listening stage is to internalize what they have heard with other language skills and to check students\u27 comprehension

    The Implementation of English School Examination of Speaking and Writing Skills in The Upper Secondary Level of Education in Bandung, West Java

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    Abstract: This study aims at investigating the ways the English teachers develop the test prompts of and the ways they administer the English US of speaking and writing skills. This study uses the principles of quantitative and qualitative research designs. Utilizing these principles, this present study involved 73 SMAs (30% of 243 SMAs) which were selected using a stratified random sampling technique, they were 41 SMAs from Bandung municipality and 32 SMAs from Bandung regency. Data were collected using questionnaire, interview guide, and document. The findings showed that all researched schools in Bandung, implemented the English US of speaking and writing skills. The administrative aspects, were successfully administered. However, the technical aspects, were not administered appropriately. It is due to the fact that the majority of English teachers did not involve any experts and students for the validation and the try-out of the test prompt.Key Words: English School Examination, test prompt, scoring rubric, score interpretationAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menliti guru Bahasa Inggris dalam mengembangkan soal ujian dan cara guru Bahasa Inggris dalam menjalankan Bahasa Inggris US dalam kemampuan berbicara dan menulis. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuantitative dan kualitative. Penelitian ini melibatkan 73 SMA (30% dari total 243 SMA) yang dipilih menggunakan teknik stratified random sampling dan terpilih 41 SMA dari Kota Bandung dan 32 SMA dari Kabupaten Bandung. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan menggunakan kuisioner, interview, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa seluruh sekolah di Bandung menggunakan Bahasa Inggris US dalam kemampuan berbicara dan menulis. Aspek administrasi dijalankan secara sukses. Namun, untuk aspek teknis masih belum dijalankan dengan baik. Hal ini dikarenakan guru Bahasa Inggris tidak melibatkan ahli dan siswa untuk validasi soal try-out. Kata kunci: ujian sekolah Bahasa Inggris, soal ujian, rubrik penilaian, interpretasi penilaia

    Fantasy Formula in Romance Movies: Beauty and the Beast (2017) and Aladdin (2019)

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    Popular literature is an entertaining work and is widely loved by the public. This study focuses on formula analysis of fantasy genres identified from the Beauty and the Beast (2017) and Aladdin (2019) movies seen from several scenes in both movies. The films is an interesting fantasy genre movies because although the movies is different, it has the same formula. This research uses a comparative descriptive method with a qualitative approach to present data analysis. In addition, this study also used several theories from Saricks (2009) to examine the formula of the fantasy genre and the theory of comparative literature from Wellek and Warren's (1942). The study reveals that there are four points of the fantasy genre formula that have something in common in these two movies. First, in the Characteristics of Belle and Jasmine who are brave women and have an adventurous spirit. Second, the same Storyline between the two movies where both are the same against enemies who want to kill the main male characters. Third, the same Frame Setting contains magical elements. Finally, in both movies there are tense scenes that quickly turn into humorous scenes or in the fantasy genre formula called Pacing. From the results obtained by the researchers, it was concluded that in both movies there are elements of fantasy formula. These formulas then make fantasy movies into films that are great demand and liked by the audience

    The Implementation of English School Examination of Speaking and Writing Skills in The Upper Secondary Level of Education in Bandung, West Java

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    Abstract: This study aims at investigating the ways the English teachers develop the test prompts of and the ways they administer the English US of speaking and writing skills. This study uses the principles of quantitative and qualitative research designs. Utilizing these principles, this present study involved 73 SMAs (30% of 243 SMAs) which were selected using a stratified random sampling technique, they were 41 SMAs from Bandung municipality and 32 SMAs from Bandung regency. Data were collected using questionnaire, interview guide, and document. The findings showed that all researched schools in Bandung, implemented the English US of speaking and writing skills. The administrative aspects, were successfully administered. However, the technical aspects, were not administered appropriately. It is due to the fact that the majority of English teachers did not involve any experts and students for the validation and the try-out of the test prompt. Key Words: English School Examination, test prompt, scoring rubric, score interpretation Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menliti guru Bahasa Inggris dalam mengembangkan soal ujian dan cara guru Bahasa Inggris dalam menjalankan Bahasa Inggris US dalam kemampuan berbicara dan menulis. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuantitative dan kualitative. Penelitian ini melibatkan 73 SMA (30% dari total 243 SMA) yang dipilih menggunakan teknik stratified random sampling dan terpilih 41 SMA dari Kota Bandung dan 32 SMA dari Kabupaten Bandung. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan menggunakan kuisioner, interview, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa seluruh sekolah di Bandung menggunakan Bahasa Inggris US dalam kemampuan berbicara dan menulis. Aspek administrasi dijalankan secara sukses. Namun, untuk aspek teknis masih belum dijalankan dengan baik. Hal ini dikarenakan guru Bahasa Inggris tidak melibatkan ahli dan siswa untuk validasi soal try-out. Kata kunci: ujian sekolah Bahasa Inggris, soal ujian, rubrik penilaian, interpretasi penilaia